You don't become a global player in steel structures by chance. The last 30 year were a journey built in a mix of taking advantage of opportunities, innovation, ambition, capacity and relations based on trust. That path has led us to a portfolio full of completed challenges, in which we are fully proud.

In 94, Electrofer's main focus was the production of metal structures to electricity networks of mid and low voltage. With the expansion to other business areas, namely public works and anti-corrosion protection, Electrofer II – Steel building and Electrofer IV – Surface treatment were born. These two units are autonomous so as to assure us an optimal management of steel structures and electrogalvanization,  and together they make the bulk of Group Electrofer services.


Today, we have the installed capacity to give an integrated response – steel building, galvanizing and painting – that answers with rigour and flexibility to any challenge thought by contemporary architecture anywhere in the world.


And if the ability to build our client's projects brought us here, now that we design and build our own projects, incorporating innovation – mainly in the area of modular habitation, adapted to each country – who knows where we will arrive?

Electrofer Surface Treatment